
September 30, 2016

A Brief Guide to Two-Step Security

With thanks to Stacie Studer. Have you heard of MFA or U2F? Both of these phrases relate to one thing… two-step security. We talk a lot about security around here because it really is a Read More…


August 17, 2016

Banks Fail at Information Security – What Small Business Can Learn

Like many reasonable, everyday citizens, you probably think that banks and other financial institutions are at the forefront of network and data security, right? Sadly, you would be wrong. A recent study found that many Read More…


July 12, 2016

Yes, Your Mac Can Get Viruses

While TAZ Networks is a Microsoft partner and primarily supports Windows servers and workstations, we have a lot of iPhones around the office, and some of us even use Mac* computers at home. So, while Read More…


June 10, 2016

Why So Much Talk About Ransomware?

If it feels like we’re talking about ransomware a lot lately, well, we are. One of the reasons is that we’re hearing a lot more about it in the security community. And some of the Read More…


May 20, 2016

Is It Time to Say Goodbye to Flash?

Persistent vulnerabilities in Flash prompt strong action by Google Chrome. Let’s not mince words: Flash is terrible. It has been not great for a long time. It has a ton of vulnerabilities, which means it Read More…

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