Managed Firewall Security Service
The foundation for a properly secured network is a managed firewall. When did someone last monitor yours?
A firewall is all that separates you and your vital business data from someone on the Internet. If your firewall is “just the box in the corner” then it is time to update to a managed solution. Your client data should not be left up to a device that is just “sitting in the corner.” Our managed firewall security service makes sure you have a state-of-the-art device that features protection in today’s Internet world.
SonicWall® Device Included
Most firewalls are out of date, especially in small to medium sized businesses where they are left in the corner and forgotten about. TAZ Networks will provide a new hardware security device to you on a three-year interval, making sure that you are always up to date against the latest security threats.

Let TAZ Networks make sure your computer network is secure.
Intrusion Protection Service
A firewall should do more than just block access to the most widely-known issues. It should be able to vigorously defend against new and discovered attacks. With our managed solution we make sure to do just that and protect you against new variants of security issues.
Day-to-Day Monitoring
Our security response team will investigate any issues on your firewall daily and monitor any threats that are detected. Gain the peace of mind that comes from knowing we will handle any issues. You will not have to sort out which alerts really are issues or not. If an issue is detected, immediately our team will advise to you where you can decide what steps will need to be taken next within your organization.
Web Site Monitoring
Are you worried if your employees are surfing porn or Facebook all day? With our managed security services we will lock down the web browsing on your network to sites that you choose. Categorized sites will alert a user that they cannot go to these restricted sites and help you to avoid an HR nightmare.
Gateway Anti-Virus
Our firewall solution will scan for known viruses and restrict this traffic from coming through the firewall. Most small business firewalls do not have this option or have done it very poorly. We make sure that its running at an optimum speed that will not restrict your business operations while making it secure.