Posted by: TAZ Networks on September 14, 2018 at 8:00 am

Michigan is pretty safe, but natural disasters can – and do – happen here. It always pays to be prepared!
As we write this on Thursday morning, Hurricane Florence is already causing high winds and flooding on the Atlantic coast. If you have friends and family in that area, we hope everyone has taken precautions and stays safe.
It’s been noted that Michigan is one of the areas in the USA safest from natural disasters. While that may be true (and we’re happy for it), disasters can and do occur here. We all know the common ones: thunderstorm-related power outages, blizzards, fires, etc. Earlier this week, ran an article about an earthquake in the UP that caused extensive damage just over 100 years ago.
Sometimes we even get heavy rain and flooding from the remains of former hurricanes! In fact, some of the early forecast models for Florence showed the storm system clipping the SE corner of Michigan before boomeranging back out toward the Atlantic. This probably won’t happen, but if it does, it might bring some interesting weather for us next week.
Obviously, we are not meteorologists. This isn’t a weather blog. But the point is, Michigan is not immune from natural disasters, by any stretch of the imagination. September is National Preparedness Month. It’s a good time to make sure your family – and your business – has an emergency plan that covers what to do during an emergency, and how to recover afterwards.
Even here in “safe” Michigan.
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