Posted by: TAZ Networks on May 31, 2019 at 3:00 pm

Lenovo’s new ThinkBook models combine a sleek appearance with powerful computing.
Tablets and hybrid portables like the Microsoft Surface look attractive to your staff but may not have the computing power needed for business applications. Many business owners want portability and convenience in a full-powered laptop model.
For many years, we’ve recommended the Lenovo ThinkPad laptop to our clients. It’s a reliable, durable business-grade laptop. It’s also a little… boring.
While we’ll continue to recommend the ThinkPad, we’re pretty excited about introducing the new Lenovo ThinkBook to our clients. Its sleek, modern look combined with business-grade computing power makes it a great option for almost any business with staff on the road or working remotely.
Style and Substance

Not just another pretty laptop, despite that aluminum casing.
No doubt about it, the new ThinkBook looks good. Both the 13s and the 14s are less than .75” (16.5mm) thick and weigh under 3.3 pounds (1.5kg). Super-narrow bezels provide a near edge-to-edge look to the anti-glare display. Lenovo wrapped up these features in a shiny aluminum cover option that represents your business with high-end quality.
The ThinkBook isn’t just another pretty face, however. Underneath, powerful i5 or i7 processors, faster RAM, and standard solid-state drives help make your staff more productive.
Why Upgrade?
Older computers cost money. Period. Dealing with rigged-together, third-party and refurbished replacement parts is not worth the hassle. Here are some statistics:

Opens a full 180 degrees. The lay-flat hinge design allows free exit of heated air which extends reliability and hinge life.
- Older business laptops and PCs break down more often and cost 1.5 more times to maintain when compared to newer computers.
- New computers experience 40% less downtime than older ones.
- Security incidents decrease by 23%, on average, with a new PC versus an old one.
Furthermore, any computer still running Windows 7 or, heaven forbid, Windows XP, has passed its useful life of about 3-5 years. If your business is planning to migrate from Windows 7 to Windows 10 (and it should be), why not make sure that the computer it’s running on is up-to-date as well?
Happy Staff, Happy Owner
One more point to consider about purchasing new laptops, ThinkBooks or otherwise. Michigan’s unemployment rate is currently hovering around 4%. Companies are struggling to attract – and keep – high-level employees. Appearances count. Working with a powerful, attractive machine like the Lenovo ThinkBook could be the incentive your business offers that attracts the rock star talent your business needs.