Posted by: on December 7, 2015 at 4:53 pm

In the world of computer software, it’s increasingly rare for two products from the same manufacturer to be incompatible.

When the two products are several generations apart, however, the likelihood of problems increases.

We’ve seen at least two incidents recently where clients have purchased Microsoft Office, only to find out that the version purchased was not compatible with the version of Microsoft Exchange email server on their network.

The basic problem in both cases was that the client was attempting to run Outlook from a current version of Microsoft Office, but their email was being managed by a very old version of Exchange.

Since Exchange 2003 and 2007 are both out of support, if your email is still running on either version, we highly recommend reviewing your migration options as soon as possible.

However, we’re here to solve problems, not just tell you about them. We’ve found that Microsoft Office 365 is an excellent solution to Office/Exchange incompatibility:

  1. Microsoft Office 365 includes Exchange Online, which includes business-class shared email, calendar, and contacts.
  2. Microsoft Office 365 eliminates worries about upgrades and version compatibility. You pay one fee per month per user, and it just works.

If you’re facing an Office or Exchange upgrade, we’ll be happy to sit down with you and review how Microsoft Office 365 might be a better option.

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